P&C Association

Welcome to Stromlo Parents & Citizens Association

Please subscribe via the P&C subscription/membership form

The P&C Association aims to:

Partnering with the school to support student learning benefits student wellbeing and education outcomes. The P&C provides parents/carers with opportunities to:

P&C Membership

All parents and carers (as listed in the school’s database) are automatically P&C members (with voting rights) and may nominate as an office bearer of the Association’s Committee. To change your details, please use the P&C membership form.

Community members (not listed as parents in the school’s database) are eligible to become P&C members, please complete the P&C membership form.

Community members (not listed as parents in the school’s database) are eligible to become P&C members, please complete the P&C membership form.

The Constitution and meeting minutes are available below.

Current P&C Committee roles include:

President: Brendan Mace - StromloHSPresident@gmail.com

Vice President: John Wellard - StromloHSPresident@gmail.com

Treasurer: Josephine Ponsford - StromloHSTreasurer@gmail.com

Secretary: Daniel Abraham - StromloHSSecretary@gmail.com

Communications Officer: Megan Chandra

Public Officer: Jaron Bailey

P&C Council Delegate: Marina Spurgin and Tammy Sattler

P&C Meetings

All parents, carers, community members and school staff are invited to attend P&C meetings. You don’t need to be a member to attend.

The P&C usually meets on weeks 3 and 8 of terms 1,2 and 3, and on week 3 of term 4 on a Monday evening usually from 7:15 - 8:15pm, please see the school calendar for dates.

Meetings are held in the school’s meeting room or online and are usually attended by the Principal.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in March.

Please consider nominating for a volunteer role on the committee, contact the President if you’re interested or would like to learn more about the P&C.

For further information please email StromloHSPresident@gmail.com or call the school front office.

Correspondence can be directed to the P&C Association:

Mount Stromlo P&C Association
c/- Mount Stromlo High School
Badimara Street

P&C Documents

P&C Constitution

Annual General Meetings

General Meetings
